Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Dobrich, Bulgaria
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Dobrich, Bulgaria, is the biggest business support organization in the region of Dobrich, part of the network of Bulgarian Chambers of Commerce and Industry and contact point of Europe Enterprise Network.
Activity areas:
- Promotes, fosters and represents the interests of its members and other businesses in the region on local, regional, national and international level;
- Encourages and acts for the economic and sustainable development of the Dobrich region; runs an Economic Cooperation Centre;
- Develops a Centre for promoting the use of RES;
- Creates conditions for synergies and promotion of technological and business cooperation;
- Assists state and municipal authorities in organizing activities for development of market economy;
- Provides information and practical advice on market opportunities, European legislation and policies. Helps SMEs to find suitable business partners using its business and technology cooperation Data Bases, providing information to tender opportunities and international networking;
- Develops the research and innovation capacities of SMEs;
- Helps SMEs to share research results, participate in research programs and apply for funding;
- Involves SMEs and business actors in the policy-making process, by transmitting feedback to the Commission and monitoring the implementation of EU policies in the field of competitiveness and innovation.
CCI has extensive experience in Lifelong learning, cooperation and innovation projects and expertise in promoting linguistic diversity and intercultural exchange.
CCI has practical experiences on issues like solution approaches, methodology considerations, national implementation, as well as dissemination and valorisation of project results. As part of the network of the European Chambers of Commerce and the Enterprise Europe network, it has strong potential to reach a wide industrial and entrepreneurial target group all over Europe.
Contact: vstoyanova@cci.dobrich.net -
PD Project Development Ltd. – Dobrich, Bulgaria
PD Project Development Ltd. was established 2008 as a consulting company with main scope of activities in the sphere of project management and consulting.
The mission of the company is to provide expertise and consultations to companies to favour their success and improve their performance while developing long-term partnerships with all clients and supporting their efforts to enhance the quality of services they provide.
Being itself a SME and working mainly with SMEs and NGOs, the company has core values as excellent customer services, complexity and reliability.
The main spheres of expertise include:- Conducting various surveys among hotel guests to ascertain their level of satisfaction done according to procedures and instructions and scope detailed in the corporate regulations established by the hotel owners and operators as Guests’ satisfaction surveys; Customer satisfaction surveys etc.;
- Consultations for SMEs, NGOs and local authorities in the sphere of project development and management. The company offers comprehensive services from the idea to the final realization and sustainability of the idea.
Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Terrassa, Spain
The “Cambra de Comerç i Indústria de Terrassa” (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Terrassa) was established on the 29th of June 1886. It was the first Chamber established in Catalonia and the third in Spain.
Its current demarcation area comprises 12 municipalities, representing an area of 400.000 inhabitants and of 31.000 companies (98 % of them SMEs).
This industrial area represents 80 % of total Catalan exports.
Terrassa is 28 Km from Barcelona. 40 min to Barcelona city centre by train (a train every 12 minutes).30 min to Barcelona by car.
The Chamber of Terrassa is widely experienced in organizing training, seminars and events:
- Courses and seminars.76 courses with 749 participants.
- In company training.63 courses with 651 participants.
- Aware rising events and campaigns. 38 aware rising events. 955 participants.
- Prestige events such as the Annual Chamber’s Awards (Premis Cambra).500 attendees dinner and event.
- New Entrepreneurs Annual conference. 700 attendees.
- Trade Missions and B2B matchmaking events to 38 different countries. 16 Trade missions, 2 B2B meetings of the Aeronautic sector, 1 retail tour and 1 International Subcontracting Trade Fair.
- Inverse missions (5 from different countries each year). Around 150 participants per year.
- Dinamization of working groups. 30 meetings per year. 300 participants in average.
More info at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmRzJ9eYx-w
Constanta Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Shipping and Agriculture, Romania
Constanta Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Shipping and Agriculture (CCINA) is an autonomous, legal person, non-governmental, public utility, apolitical, non-patrimonial, non-profit organization, which was founded in 1880 and re-established in July 1990.
Our mission is to represent and support the interests of our members and those of the business community, in relation to public authorities and domestic and foreign entities.
Our target is to maintain our position as a leader business community in Constanta county and boost local development and competitiveness.
Main services provided by CCINA Constanta:
- Event organizer: seminars, conferences, business partnerships, internally and abroad;
- Local organizer of fair and exhibitions, as well as trade missions;
- Organizer of professional training courses;
- Provider of legal, commercial, foreign trade and intellectual property consultancy and information, assistance to access external grant programs;
- Drafts studies on Constanta county economic evolution;
- Mediation and resolution of company or civil disputes, domestic or international by arbitration.
Website: www.ccina.ro
Contact: laura.tirziu@ccina.ro -
GIP-FCIP – Academy of Aix-Marseille, France
GIP-FCIP is the research and development unit of the Academy (Local Education Authority) of Aix-Marseille in southern France. GIP FCIP employs 35 permanent workers and about 100 occasional workers. It works closely with the 11 local GRETA (training centers) which, as an integral part of the French National Education System, brings together several state schools and colleges to offer vocational an technical training courses. GIP FCIP has broad experience of co-operating in transnational projects, having been partner in projects with Leonardo, Equal, Grundtvig and FSE founds.
Specific competence:- Engineering and consulting in training;
- Engineering and management consulting of skills;
- Job analysis for transfer of skills;
- Consulting beside companies to promote equality between men and women;
- Engineering of international projects : driving or participate to international or European projects.
Contact: frederique.sardou@ac-aix-marseille.fr
Foundation for Promotion of Entrepreneurship, Lodz, Poland
FPE is a strong information, advisory, and training centre located in Lodz, Poland. The mission of FPE is to contribute to the economic growth of the country by developing the spirit of entrepreneurship, integrating the business community, and initiating and delivering educational, advisory, and innovation activities. FPE has large international contacts made by participating in international projects and networks – since 2008, is a centre of Enterprise Europe Network in the Lodzkie region. FPE has good relations with business community (incl. SMEs), business organisations, associations/chambers, the universities and R&D institutions, NGOs, as well as local authorities/policymakers and government administration in the field of entrepreneurship, innovation, labour market analysis, education, regional policy and social innovative area. FPE is a centre of continuous education, since 1990 has trained more than 32 000 people. FPE is the member of the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, has received the Quality Management Certificate according to the EN ISO 9001:2008 standard for providing services in training, consultancy, information and innovation, since 2013 holds a title of an Ambassador of Innovative Practices in Education awarded by the City of Lodz. FPE offers a wide variety of open and tailored trainings, seminars and conferences. Trainings themes include international markets, customer care, negotiations, managing change, finance, management for executive staff of tourist companies, sales & marketing for food companies and restaurants.
In the RESPONS project FPE cooperates with local Associated Partners – tourist organizations and institutions connected with tourism:- Regional Tourism Organisation of Łódź Region;
- Łódź Centre of Teacher Training and Vocational Education;
- Zespół Szkół Ekonomiczno-Turystyczno-Hotelarskich im. Władysława Grabskiego w Łodzi (Complex of Economic – Hotel and Tourism Schools in Lodz);
- Alex – usługi turystyczne.
Contact: fundacja@frp.lodz.pl -
CIAPE – Rome, Italy
CIAPE is the Italian National Centre for Permanent Learning, a non profit private organisation providing a quality and comprehensive system of adult learning and education which is accessible to and inclusive of all. CIAPE is a member of the CEDEFOP “European Qualifications Framework – Credit Transfer In VET” and of the “Quality Assurance in VET” communities. CIAPE is the European Coordinator of the “Quality Apprenticeship European Network”, counting partners from 20 different EU countries.CIAPE carries out research and training activities to develop and validate soft skills, as well as competences required in the future labour market:
- High qualified experience in EU, national and regional projects management;
- Developer of innovative ideas to ensure the accessibility of learning to a wide range of target groups, such as students, NEETs, seniors, professionals and groups at risk;
- Skilled in learning methods calibrated to adults’ exigencies and in the management of in service training courses and study visits;
- Involved in several Projects concerning adult education, new green skills, and innovative learning media (mobile learning);
- Active player in the field of European Voluntary Service.
Areas of expertise
- Social researches for public & private organisations at regional, national and European levels. Fields: new skills for new jobs, innovative learning media, certification of informal learning, autobiographical methodologies, gender mainstreaming, diversity management;
- Ad hoc training for adults and companies, in room & online (DL platform, mobile learning solutions for non routine skills development);
- Recognition and certification of knowledge acquired via non formal and informal learning;
- EU projects planning;
- Promotion and management of in-service training courses addressed to European adult learners;
- Management of innovative ICT based training courses, exploiting the usage of e-learning (course for Diversity managers) and m-learning (serious games for smarthphones, easing the transfer of new skills for new jobs to adult learners);
- Counselling, focused balance of competencies and peer-based guidance services.
Contact: ciape@ciape.it -
EUPROMA – Haar, Germany
EUPROMA is committed to the professional provision of advisory services for the successful development and implementation of International Projects. We specialise in advising institutions and organisations in the field of education, further education and vocational training. We also provide advisory services for other branches and sectors, such as medical engineering, health, culture, arts and crafts, ICT and multimedia.
As experts in European funding we also identify suitable European funding programmes that match the plans and project ideas of our clients. Moreover, we support our clients in the development, calculation and formulation of project proposals and assist them in finding strategically suitable project partners from other European countries. Besides we offer training in the field of International Project Management, Complaint Management as well as Moderation and Presentation techniques.
EUPROMA is based in Haar (Munich) and has a subsidiary in Karlsruhe.
Contact: adriana.baer@euproma.com -
Programme Francophone d’hôtelerie et restauration of NBU, Albena, Bulgaria
Programme Francophone d’hôtelerie et restauration of New Bulgarian University is established in 1997 with the pedagogical assistance of Lycée Hôtelier de Nice «Paul Auger». The programme «Hotel management and marketing» is supported by the French Embassy in Bulgaria and the French Cultural Center in Sofia.
Hotel Management and Marketing Programme of New Bulgarian University is preparing qualified staff in the field of hospitality and food service industry using the French know-how. Students are admitted in the Programme after the end of 12 class which corresponds to secondary school graduated. The duration of education is 4 years.The curriculum combines theoretical aspects of management and marketing and practical training and made the diploma one of the best in the world in this field. During their studies, students must do 32 weeks of internships. These form part of the final evaluation of the student. One of the internships, lasting eight weeks, is done in France.
Among the Bulgarian partners in the programme is Albena AD, which has put at the francophone programme’s disposal a hotel in Albena with modern kitchen and other equipment. Our mission is:- To be an educational institution oriented to give its students autonomy towards building up the sense of entrepreneurship and responsibility;
- To be a place for those socially motivated in order to get ready to live in democracy, in a society of citizens, under the condition of market relations, integrated in Europe and the world;
- To be liberal academic institution, based on the relationship between education, research and enterprise;
- To provide interdisciplinary general and specialized education based on research and practice connection.
Our values:
- Make Bulgarian tourism more attractive for future generations;
- Support young people with a considerable European experience to stay in Bulgaria.
Contact: dilieva@nbu.bg -
Associated partners
BHRA – Dobrich Region
Council of Vocational Training of Terrassa
Hospitality Services Guild
Council of Tourism from Terrassa’s region
Promotion of TerrassaFrance
GRETA region Aix-Marseille
Hotel shool of MarseilleItaly
AGreenment Association
Hotel Giotto Flavia
Regional Tourism Organisation of Łódź Voivodship
Regional Centre of Teachers’ Training and Vocational Education in LodzRomania
Romanian Riviera – Danube Delta Tourism Promotion and Development Board
Romanian Tourism Employers’ Federation